LIED.IPT - Laboratory for Pedagogical Innovation and Distance Education
Partnerships & Networks
LIED.IPT has signed a protocol with Delft Digital Learning to establish mutual cooperation aimed at improving the performance of their activities, using the potential of both organisations to enhance their activities and results. This will result in joint or coordinated activities in cooperation initiatives, programmes and projects in pedagogical innovation and distance learning. |
As part of this partnership, LIED supports the development of two MOOCs created by DDL for the NAU platform::
Célio Gonçalo Marques, LIED.IPT director, has joined the DigComp Community of Practice and is participating in the update of the European Reference Framework for Digital Competence (DigComp 2.2). This document is the main European reference for the development and strategic planning of digital skills initiatives (consult here). DIGICOMP WEBSITE |
LIED.IPT established a partnership with "Os Templários" Training Centre to deliver training accredited by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council of Continuous Training to elementary and secondary school teachers. |
Actions in 2020:
Actions in 2021:
Actions in 2022:
In the scope of the strategic priority "Research and Cooperation", LIED participated in the integration of IPT in the collaborative Network of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions to foster digital transformation. Célio Gonçalo Marques, Director of LIED.IPT, is one of the representatives of the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar in Metared Portugal, being part of the Educational Technologies working group More information: Metared Portugal |
Célio Gonçalo Marques, LIED.IPT director, has joined the Quality and Innovation Working Group of the Distance Learning Section(SEAD) of the Portuguese Society for Educational Sciences. |