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Human Resources Management

It integrates the new generation of managers: a way through people.


IPT's mission is: to expand access to knowledge for the benefit of people and society, through research, teaching and cooperation, in a global training project for the individual. This Master's Degree also assumes the mission of professionalizing students in the area of Human Resources Management, in order to ensure the acquisition of a highly qualified specialization. The MSc makes all sense as a formative continuation of the Degree in Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior. Thus, IPT is prepared so that the students can deepen their knowledge in new markets and enrich their network of national and international contacts that currently holds a high intangible value.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar.


Organizations are undergoing times of disruptive change and intense dynamics that place considerable challenges for its leaders in which human factors are crucial. Today, human resources management is not only about managing traditional activities, it involves a strong focus on organizational diagnostic and intervention and the search for continuous improvement in order to achieve a sustainable HR management that is in line with the organisation’s business strategy. Hands-on technical expertise is required from practitioners that can only be obtained from specialist studies based on lifelong learning. The Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management aims at providing students technical knowledge and strategic and developmental skills for a quality performance in human resources management related areas as well as scientific research skills.

Professional Goals

With this master’s degree students will be equipped to work as:

- HR managers or directors;

- HR technicians;

- Advisers to the Board;

- Technical business analysts;

- Technicians/experts in information systems;

-Project analysts;

- Consultants;

- Career development technicians;

- Vocational training managers;

-Technicians/experts in executive search/head hunting/outplacement;

- Teachers;

- Researchers,


This can take place in private or public businesses/organizations such as central, regional and local administration, HR departments and corporate businesses.

Condições de Acesso

Applying to the Master of Human Resource Management all first cycle holders in the area. National academic degree holders or equivalent foreign to the 1st cycle in the areas of management and social sciences in general applications will be considered. According to paragraph d) of article 17 of DecreeLaw 74/2006 of March 24, will also be evaluated other candidates deemed suitable by the selection panel on the basis of curriculum analysis. Operating system: Post Work. Friday: 6pm - 12pm; Saturday: 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 6pm.


Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 6419/2017, de 24-07-2017

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
92995 International Human Resource Management Recursos Humanos 6 Ana Isabel Loureiro de Sousa Virgolino Silva (1)(2)
92993 Organisational Diagnosis and InterventionRecursos Humanos 6 Sílvio Brito (1)(2)
92991 Organizational BehaviourRecursos Humanos 5 Graciete Honrado (1)(2)
92994 Strategic Organisational ManagementGestão 7 Rúben Loureiro (1)(2)
92992 Talent Attraction, Development and Retention in OrganisationsRecursos Humanos 6 Ana Isabel Loureiro de Sousa Virgolino Silva (1)(2)
2º Semestre
92999 Advanced Data Analysis Methods Matemática 6 Ricardo Covas (1)(2)
92996 Career Management and Reward SystemsRecursos Humanos 6 Ana Isabel Loureiro de Sousa Virgolino Silva (1)(2)
92998 Healthy Workplace ManagementRecursos Humanos 5 Graciete Honrado (1)(2)
929910 Information Systems for Human Resource ManagementTecnologias da Informação e Comunicação 6 Vasco Silva (1)(2)
Célio Marques (2)
92997 Start-up Management ProcessesGestão 7 Jorge Simões (1)(2)
Sílvio Silva (2)


(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


IPT has partnerships with other Higher Education Institutions, which have already resulted in collaborative study cycles: ISPA; ISEG, which in partnership, has already taught a Master's degree at IPT; ISCSP which, in partnership and sharing teachers from both institutions, has already taught the Masters in Management and Public Policies at IPT; University of Salamanca, with a Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development.


Course coordinator

Maria Graciete da Purificação Reis Henriques Honrado

Maria Graciete da Purificação Reis Henriques Honrado

Gabinete: B 178 Tomar
t.: 249328100
ext.: 6180
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Maria Graciete da Purificação Reis Henriques Honrado

Maria Graciete da Purificação Reis Henriques Honrado

Gabinete: B 178 Tomar
t.: 249328100
ext.: 6180
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Maria Teresa Antunes Alcobia

Maria Teresa Antunes Alcobia

Gabinete: B115
t.: 249328274
ext.: 01305
endereço de e-mail
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