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Master in Management - a tool for your future


The Master's in Management (MG) provides specialized training that allows you to develop a set of scientific and technical skills in the area of management. This course is aimed at everyone who aims to consolidate, deepen or update knowledge in the area of management and also respond to the stimuli introduced in major government lines, namely in the implementation of research applied to the various needs of the business environment. The MG also aims to respond to the demands of the labor market and takes into account factors of an economic, social and cultural nature. It also promotes the development of critical soft-skills in the various specific areas of the master's degree.


DGES Registration No.: R/A-Cr 9/2017
DGES Registration Date: 19/04/2017
ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar.

Process No.: PERA/2223/1600206
Accreditation Term: 2 ANOS
Publication Date: 18/04/2023
A3ES Deliberation


At the end of the Master's in Management course, graduates must be able to:

- Solve management problems (material resources, human resources) in different organizational contexts;

- Design strategies to optimize resource management;

- Apply knowledge that promotes innovative and entrepreneurial management;

- Master the underlying technology to support decision making;

- Use analytical methodologies to explore relevant data;

- Use management knowledge in national and international markets;

- Frame management practice taking into account tax and legal aspects;

- Lead projects of a diverse nature within the scope of management;

- Promote ethical and social principles in your practice.

Professional Goals

The Master's in Management allows professionals to carry out functions in various business areas, such as marketing, production, human resources, consultancy and auditing, in public and private, national and international companies.

The Master's in Management, by providing skills at the level of scientific research in business sciences, allows you to pursue a career in the area of teaching and research in Higher Education establishments.

Condições de Acesso

The MSc in Management will work in post-work hours.


Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 4406/2017 - 22/05/2017

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
92954 Advanced AccountingContabilidades 5 Daniel Oliveira (1)(2)
92951 Data Analysis for BusinessMatemática 5 Ricardo Covas (1)(2)
92956 Marketing Planning and Innovation Gestão 5 Fátima Pedro (1)(2)
92955 Organisational BehaviourGestão 5 Ana Isabel Loureiro de Sousa Virgolino Silva (2)
92952 Research Methodologies in Business SciencesGestão 5 Célio Marques (1)(2)
92953 Strategic ManagementGestão 5 Rúben Loureiro (1)(2)
2º Semestre
929512 Business ValuationFinanceiras 5 Renato Domingues (1)(2)
929511 International MarketingGestão 5 Fátima Pedro (1)(2)
929510 Labour LawDireito 5 Cláudia Sousa Rosa (1)
92959 Logistics and Supply ChainGestão 5 Rúben Loureiro (1)(2)
92958 Strategic HR Management Gestão 5 Ana Isabel Loureiro de Sousa Virgolino Silva (2)
92957 Tax ManagementContabilidades 5 Paulo Bragança (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
929514 DissertationGestão 60 Jorge Simões (1)(2)
929516 Internship/PlacementGestão 60 Jorge Simões (1)(2)
929515 ProjectGestão 60 Jorge Simões (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Jorge Manuel Marques Simões

Jorge Manuel Marques Simões

Gabinete: O 201
t.: 249 328 121
ext.: 3179
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Sílvio Manuel Valente da Silva

Sílvio Manuel Valente da Silva

Gabinete: O214
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Rosaria Luisa de Brito Moreira

Rosaria Luisa de Brito Moreira

Gabinete: B115
t.: 249 328 270
ext.: 01306
endereço de e-mail
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