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Heritage, Technology and Territory

DISTANCE LEARNING Accreditation: https://www.a3es.pt/pt/resultados-acreditacao/patrimonio-tecnologia-e-territorio


The PhD in Heritage, Technology and Territory (DPTT) is an advanced training and research programme offered by the Autonomous University of Lisbon and the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, with academic collaborations on all continents.

O Doutoramento estrutura-se me duas especialidades: Especialidade em Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento Humano; Especialidade em Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens Culturais. O plano de estudos é consultável em anexo, e comporta 240 ECTS.

The PhD is structured in two specialties: Specialty in Archaeology, Material Culture and Human Behavior; Specialization in Heritage, Technologies and Cultural Landscapes. The study plan can be consulted in the annex and comprises 240 ECTS.

The DPTT is articulated with the programs of the Center for Geosciences, the Techn&Art Center, the UAL Chair in Luso-Brazilian History and Culture and the UNESCO-IPT Chair in Humanities and Cultural Management of the Territory. Doctoral students will be associated with one of the centers.

The PhD programme assumes as a fundamental component the articulation with comparative studies, in various territorial contexts (Europe, Africa, South America, Southeast Asia), developed by the associated research centres. The distance learning model is the most appropriate for the pursuit of a global comparative research program in territories of several continents. In fact, the PhD aims to attract a wide range of potential candidates, at national and international levels, also with a view to future association with international consortia (based on the existing networks in which IPT and UAL participate). Distance learning ensures the highest quality in international multidisciplinary research and attracts students who already have relevant curricular paths, can be involved in research or territorial development projects and seek an advanced academic framework.

Total number of ECTS credits of the curricular units predominantly taught at a distance: 220 (92% at a distance)

The face-to-face component corresponds to 20 ECTS, in the project development seminar in a territorial context, in which doctoral students integrate multidisciplinary research work by teams from the research lines of the CGEO AND TECHN&ART R&D centers, accredited by FCT and associated with the program.

Each PhD student will select one of the ongoing projects in Lisbon, Tomar or Mação, depending on the proximity to their own research focus. The face-to-face sessions will take place in an intensive seminar regime.


ECTS: 240
Location: Tomar, Lisboa, Mação.

Process No.: NCE/21/2100319
Accreditation Term: 6 Anos
Publication Date: 30/09/2022
A3ES Deliberation


The DPTT is an innovative training, in a Distance Learning model that focuses on the relevance of heritage materialities for the dynamics, resilience and sustainability of human societies.

The DPTT privileges the training of theoretically robust staff with critical skills, based on the development of research projects applied to well-defined territorial contexts, which contribute to the development of these territories.

Professional Goals

The course is part of the interface between Material Culture Studies (identification, contextualization, interpretation, conservation) and Heritage (cultural landscapes, conservation, enhancement). These fields are intrinsically multidisciplinary (from the Humanities with interfaces with the exact and natural sciences), are integrated (in the concept of cultural landscapes) and open to the transdisciplinary dimension that dialogues with traditional knowledge and knowledge (constructive, local identity dynamics).

Jobs include R&D centres, public bodies, wealth management companies and higher education. In addition to employability in Portugal, the articulation of the Course with R&D teams in more than 40 countries, large international networks (BRIDGES, APHELEIA, CIPSH, UISPP) opens up strong prospects for internationalization.

Condições de Acesso


According to Article 3 of Chapter I of the Regulation of the PhD in Heritage, Technology and Territory.

Applicants must formalize their application by submitting the following documentation:

a) Photo and copy of identification document;

b) Application form;

c) Copy of the certificate of qualifications (*), indicating the final average and breakdown of the curricular units and respective classification;

d) Detailed Curriculum Vitae;

e) Other documentation relevant to the application;

f) Declaration of commitment of honor of the veracity of the documents included in the Curriculum Vitae;

g) Motivation letter;

h) (2) Two letters of recommendation.

Students who meet the requirements set out in article 17 of the diploma of academic degrees and diplomas of higher education in the updated version of Decree-Law no. 65/2018, of 16 August, with training in the 2nd cycle in the scientific areas of the course or related area, may apply for the PhD in Heritage, Technology and Territory.

Selection criteria

The selection of candidates will include a general evaluation that will encompass the following parameters:

a) Academic qualifications – 20%

b) Academic and scientific publications – 20%

c) Research projects – 20%

d) Professional career – 10%

e) Letter of motivation – 10%

f) Two letters of reference – 5%

g) Interview – 15%


In the event of a tie, the holder of the highest title will be considered as a criterion. In the case of holders of the same qualification, the one with the highest final classification will have the best classification.

Candidate Selection Committee

The coordinators of the Course, two (2) professors of the Course belonging respectively to UAL and IPT, and one (1) invited external professor are part of the Evaluation Committee of the applications.



The first two (2) winners of the ranking process will be awarded, in accordance with the Regulation for the Attribution of Research Grants of UAL and IPT, with a tuition fee exemption Scholarship, with the respective fees regularized.

Application period

a)    Formalização de candidaturas e entrega de documentação necessária,

between January 16th and February 13th, it must be done online through Link https://candidaturas.grupoceu.pt and the documentation sent by email to lferreirinho@autonoma.pt

If in doubt, please request clarification by phone to:

Phone: (+351) 962759036 and (+351) 21 317 76 00.

Or by email to: lferreirinho@autonoma.pt and dout.patrimonio@ipt.pt

Other Contact:

Student Office (UAL)

Rua de Santa Marta, n.º 56, B

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm

b) Interview between March 1st and 3rd.

c) Disclosure of results in the 2nd week of March.


Year 1

Application 195€.

Registration 285€, Registration 295€, School Insurance 40€, Tuition 1200€.

Year 2

Registration €250, School Insurance €40, Tuition €750.

Year 3

Registration €250, School Insurance €40, Tuition €750.

Year 4

Registration €250, School Insurance €40, Tuition €750

*In the case of students from foreign higher education, the Certificate of qualifications must be recognized by the Consulate Portuguese in the country of origin and/or legalized by the Apostille system.

The applicant must also submit a NARIC Declaration - Declaration of level of foreign higher education course and/or institution (attesting to the level of foreign higher education training/diplomas in the country of origin and, when applicable, the foreign Higher Education Institutions that confer them as recognized Institutions). This document is requested from DGES through the link https://www.dges.gov.pt/pt/pagina/declaracoes-naric?plid=374


Publication in the Diário da República: Anúncio n.º 237/2022 de 31/10/2022

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Ramo Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
505811 Metodologia do Trabalho AcadémicoEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoHumanidades 6
505821 Metodologia do Trabalho AcadémicoEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 6
505813 Seminar 2: Analytical tools in cultural landscape studiesEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoHumanidades 12 Luiz Osterbeek (1)(2)
Rita Anastácio (2)
Luis Santos (2)
505822 Seminário 1: Instrumentos Analíticos em Estudo de Cultura MaterialEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisArqueologia 12 Ricardo Jorge Santos Cardoso (2)
João Coroado (2)
Luiz Osterbeek (2)
Alexandra Figueiredo (2)
Silvério Figueiredo (2)
Pierluigi Rosina (2)
505812 Seminário 1: Instrumentos Analíticos em Estudos de Cultura MaterialEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 12 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
João Coroado (1)(2)
Alexandra Figueiredo (2)
Pierluigi Rosina (2)
Silvério Figueiredo (2)
Ricardo Triães (2)
505823 Seminário 2: Instrumentos Analíticos em Estudo de Paisagens CulturaisEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 12
2º Semestre
505814 Seminar 3: Structuring of the Thesis ProjectEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoHumanidades 30 Luiz Osterbeek (1)(2)
Pierluigi Rosina (2)
505824 Seminário 3: Estruturação do Projeto de TeseEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 30 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
Pierluigi Rosina (2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
505815 Seminário 4: Desenvolvimento de Projeto de ArqueoLogia em Contexto TerritorialEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 20
505825 Seminário 5: Desenvolvimento do Projeto de Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 20 Hermínia Sol (2)
505826 [2A3S] Preparação de Tese em Património e Paisagens CulturaisEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 10
505816 [2A3S] Preparação de tese em Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 10 Telmo Jorge Ramos Pereira (2)
2º Semestre
505827 [2A4S] Preparação de Tese em Património e Paisagens CulturaisEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 27 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
505817 [2A4S] Preparação de tese em Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 27
5058112 [2A4S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 3 Alexandra Figueiredo (2)
Rita Anastácio (2)
Telmo Jorge Ramos Pereira (2)
Sara Liliana Magalhães Barbosa Garcês (2)
5058212 [2A4S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 3 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
Hermínia Sol (2)
Rita Anastácio (2)
Luis Santos (2)
Sara Liliana Magalhães Barbosa Garcês (2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
505828 [3A5S] Preparação de Tese em Património e Paisagens CulturaisEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 27
505818 [3A5S] Preparação de tese em Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 27
5058113 [3A5S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 3
5058213 [3A5S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 3
2º Semestre
505829 [3A6S] Preparação de Tese em Património e Paisagens CulturaisEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 27
505819 [3A6S] Preparação de tese em Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 27
5058114 [3A6S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 3
5058214 [3A6S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 3


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
5058210 [4A7S] Preparação de Tese em Património e Paisagens CulturaisEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 27
5058110 [4A7S] Preparação de tese em Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 27
5058115 [4A7S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 3
5058215 [4A7S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 3
2º Semestre
5058211 [4A8S] Preparação de Tese em Património e Paisagens CulturaisEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 27
5058111 [4A8S] Preparação de tese em Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 27
5058116 [4A8S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Comportamento HumanoArqueologia 3
5058216 [4A8S] Seminário de Apoio à Preparação de TeseEspecialidade: Património, Tecnologias e Paisagens CulturaisHumanidades 3

vd. https://autonoma.pt/en/courses/technology-territory/

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Luiz Miguel Oosterbeek

Luiz Miguel Oosterbeek

Gabinete: G202 (Campus) e GRI (Av.Cândido Madureira)
t.: 917849330
endereço de e-mail

Course coordinator

Adolfo Silveira Martins

Adolfo Silveira Martins

endereço de e-mail
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