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Ano Letivo: 2022/23


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 180
Location: Tomar.


The Photography program offers a high-level cultural, scientific and technical training supported by intensive practical coursework. This program has been designed so as to develop a wide range of skills that will allow an easy integration in the labour market and proceed to postgraduate, master's and doctoral studies.

Professional Goals

Graduates in Photography have access to higher-level training based on arts, science and technology matters. Their skills will allow them to carry out projects with a good degree of autonomy in the following areas: documentary photography, photojournalism, author photography, architectural photography, publishing photography, industrial photography, fashion photography, digital post-production, colour management and printing quality control among others.

Ano Letivo: 2022/23

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10072/2012 - 25/07/2012

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
964526 Art History and Theory 1Teorias da Imagem 4
964529 Chemistry 1Química 4
964527 Digital Photography 1Fotografia 6
964530 Elements of PhysicsFisica 6
964528 History of Photography 1Teorias da Imagem 4
964525 Photography 1Fotografia 6
2º Semestre
964532 Art History and Theory 2Teorias da Imagem 4
964535 Chemistry 2Química 4
964533 Digital Photography 2Fotografia 6
964534 History of photography 2Teorias da Imagem 4
964536 OpticsFisica 6
964531 Photography 2Fotografia 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964542 Applied OpticsFisica 4
964539 Digital Photography 3Fotografia 6
964538 Image Theory 1Teorias da Imagem 4
964537 Photography 3Fotografia 6
964541 Sensitometry 1Fisica 4
964540 Silver Printing ProcessesTecnologia e Processos 6
2º Semestre
964548 Digital Capture SystemsTecnologia e Processos 4
964545 Digital Photography 4Fotografia 6
964546 Gold, Platinum and Pigment Printing ProcessesTecnologia e Processos 6
964544 Image Theory 2Teorias da Imagem 4
964543 Photography 4Fotografia 6
964547 Sensitometry 2Fisica 4


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
304136 4
304137 4
304134 Outras 4
304135 Outras 4
9932008 Outras 4
304129 Arstistic Production IOutras 4
938058 Art History 3 0
96433 Art History I 4
9932016 Audiovisual TechnologiesOutras 4
30811 Book DesignOutras 4
964552 Chromogenic ProcessesTecnologia e Processos 6
964551 Critique on Contemporary Photography 1Teorias da Imagem 6
964438 Design TheoryOutras 4
964442 Desktop Publishing 4
30414 Digital Photography IOutras 4
9932006 Editing IOutras 4
30813 Electronic PaginationOutras 4
964117 English IIOutras 4
964416 Graphic Design II 4
964426 Graphic Design IV 0
96444 History of Communication Arts Outras 4
30411 Image History and Theory IOutras 4
964413 Image ProcessingOutras 4
30412 Interdisciplinary SeminarsOutras 4
96442 Introduction to Graphic ApplicationsOutras 4
964440 MarketingOutras 4
964559 Option 1 - Free OptionOutras 4
964349 Option IOutras 4
964350 Option II 4
938072 Photographic Documentation Methods 0
938059 Photographic MethodsOutras 4
964549 Photography 5Fotografia 6
304131 Photography Conservation IOutras 4
9645177 Photography IIIOutras 4
964550 Photography Project 1Fotografia 8
964452 PostpressOutras 4
96443 Psychology of Visual PerceptionOutras 4
964451 Screenprinting 4
908918 Technical DrawingOutras 4
2º Semestre
304140 4
304141 4
304138 Outras 4
304139 Outras 4
9932022 Outras 4
964318 Aesthetics IIOutras 4
304130 Artistic Production IIOutras 4
9932021 Camera and LightingOutras 4
938017 Chromatic Reintegration Techniques 4
964555 Contemporary Photography Thinking 2Teorias da Imagem 6
304111 Digital Photography II 4
964557 Digital Printing and Colour ManagementTecnologia e Processos 6
915237 Economics II 4
964556 EmulsionsTecnologia e Processos 6
964109 English IOutras 4
964137 French IOutras 0
908920 General Construction Processes IIOutras 4
964411 Graphic Design IOutras 4
964422 Graphic Design III 4
964453 Graphic Documentation ConservationOutras 4
96447 History of Graphic Culture Outras 4
938050 History of Portuguese Art 1Outras 4
938055 History of Portuguese Art 2 0
938073 Iconography and Iconology 4
96448 Image AnalysisOutras 4
308126 Image Editing and FinishingOutras 4
964316 Image Theory and CriticismOutras 4
915236 Introduction to Law 4
964043 Introduction to Management 4
911919 Micro-Processors 4
964420 Multimedia Design IOutras 4
964560 Option 2 - Free OptionOutras 4
964352 Option IVOutras 4
304132 Photography Conservation IIOutras 4
964554 Photography Project 2Fotografia 8
938049 Portuguese History IOutras 4
964445 PrepressOutras 4
90898 StatisticsOutras 4

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 8645/2020 - 08/09/2020

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
964526 Art History and Theory 1Teorias da Imagem 4 Ana Vieira (1)(2)
964563 Camera 1Fotografia 6 António Ventura (1)(2)
Rui Gonçalves (2)
964561 ChemistryQuímica 6 Henrique Pinho (1)(2)
José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (2)
964562 Digital Storytelling 1Fotografia 6 Miguel Jorge (1)(2)
964528 History of Photography 1Teorias da Imagem 4 Valter Ventura (1)(2)
964536 OpticsFisica 4 Carla Silva (1)(2)
2º Semestre
964564 Analogue Laboratory 1Fotografia 6 Marta Sicurella (1)
Tiago Alexandre Figueiredo Cacheiro (2)
964532 Art History and Theory 2Teorias da Imagem 4 Valter Ventura (1)
Ana Vieira (2)
964567 Camera 2Fotografia 6 Ana Catarina Lima Caria Pereira (2)
Rui Gonçalves (1)(2)
964565 Digital Storytelling 2Fotografia 6 Duarte Netto (2)
Valter Ventura (1)(2)
964534 History of photography 2Teorias da Imagem 4 Valter Ventura (1)(2)
964566 Visual and Cultural AnthropologyTeorias da Imagem 4 Gonçalo Velho (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964570 Analogue Laboratory 2Fotografia 6 Valter Ventura (1)(2)
964571 Communication Sociology Teorias da Imagem 4 Maria Romana (1)(2)
964557 Digital Printing and Colour ManagementTecnologia e Processos 6 Miguel Sanches (1)(2)
964569 Historical and Experimental Photographic Processes Tecnologia e Processos 6 Alexandre José de Magalhães Figueiredo (1)(2)
964568 Image TheoryTeorias da Imagem 4 Ana Vieira (1)(2)
964572 Studio Photography Fotografia 4 Duarte Netto (1)(2)
2º Semestre
964574 Digital Postproduction Fotografia 6 Miguel Jorge (1)(2)
964573 Historical and Experimental Processes in Photography 2Tecnologia e Processos 6 Alexandre José de Magalhães Figueiredo (1)(2)
964575 Photography: Cross-Disciplinary Practices and ContextsTeorias da Imagem 6 Ana Vieira (1)(2)
964577 Product PhotographyFotografia 6 Duarte Netto (1)(2)
964576 Scanning TechniquesTecnologia e Processos 6 Miguel Jorge (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964556 EmulsionsTecnologia e Processos 6 Alexandre José de Magalhães Figueiredo (2)
Marta Sicurella (1)(2)
964559 Option 1 - Free OptionOutras 4
964550 Photography Project 1Fotografia 10 Duarte Netto (1)(2)
964578 Photography: Critical, Contextual and Theoretical ThinkingTeorias da Imagem 6 Ana Vieira (1)(2)
964579 Portfolio/Presentation Styles Fotografia 4 Marta Sicurella (1)(2)
Valter Ventura (2)
2º Semestre
964582 Books and Publications / Author EditionsTeorias da Imagem 6 Ana Vieira (1)(2)
Marta Sicurella (2)
964560 Option 2 - Free OptionOutras 4
964581 Photographic Laboratory Fotografia 6 Marta Sicurella (1)(2)
Valter Ventura (2)
964554 Photography Project 2Fotografia 10 Duarte Netto (1)(2)
Marta Sicurella (2)
Valter Ventura (2)
964580 Thought Image and the Represented ImageTeorias da Imagem 4 Gonçalo Velho (1)(2)

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 2435/2023 de 17/02/2023

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
964526 Art History and Theory 1Teorias da Imagem 4
964563 Camera 1Fotografia 6
964561 ChemistryQuímica 6
964562 Digital Storytelling 1Fotografia 6
964528 History of Photography 1Teorias da Imagem 4
964566 Visual and Cultural AnthropologyTeorias da Imagem 4
2º Semestre
964564 Analogue Laboratory 1Fotografia 6
964532 Art History and Theory 2Teorias da Imagem 4
964567 Camera 2Fotografia 6
964565 Digital Storytelling 2Fotografia 6
964534 History of photography 2Teorias da Imagem 4
964536 OpticsFisica 4


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964570 Analogue Laboratory 2Fotografia 6
964571 Communication Sociology Teorias da Imagem 4
964557 Digital Printing and Colour ManagementTecnologia e Processos 4
964569 Historical and Experimental Photographic Processes Tecnologia e Processos 6
964568 Image TheoryTeorias da Imagem 4
964572 Studio Photography Fotografia 6
2º Semestre
964574 Digital Postproduction Fotografia 6
964573 Historical and Experimental Processes in Photography 2Tecnologia e Processos 6
964575 Photography: Cross-Disciplinary Practices and ContextsTeorias da Imagem 6
964577 Product PhotographyFotografia 6
964576 Scanning TechniquesTecnologia e Processos 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964583 Historical and Experimental Photographic Processes 3Tecnologia e Processos 4
964559 Option 1 - Free OptionOutras 4
964550 Photography Project 1Fotografia 10
964578 Photography: Critical, Contextual and Theoretical ThinkingTeorias da Imagem 6
964579 Portfolio/Presentation Styles Fotografia 6
2º Semestre
964582 Books and Publications / Author EditionsTeorias da Imagem 6
964584 Oficina de Produção FotográficaTecnologia e Processos 6
964560 Option 2 - Free OptionOutras 4
964554 Photography Project 2Fotografia 10
964580 Thought Image and the Represented ImageTeorias da Imagem 4

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Miguel Duarte Antunes da Silva Jorge

Miguel Duarte Antunes da Silva Jorge

endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Valter Nuno Garcez da Silva Ventura

Valter Nuno Garcez da Silva Ventura

endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Gabinete: I 215
t.: 249 328 237
ext.: 1214 e 01302
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2022/23
UE next generation
Centro 2030
Lisboa 2020