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Archaeology, Management and Heritage Education

Ano Letivo: 2020/21

ECTS: 60
Location: Tomar.

Condições de Acesso

E-learning is a teaching tool, based on new technologies, which is beyond the traditional model of learning. Provides the learner a set of educational content and video text audio text with which you can interact freely. In this sense applies the potential of information and communication to the development of individual curricular student education technologies.

This can, without leaving home, consult the academic program, have access to the notes, conduct testing, submit jobs, see ratings, requesting explanations to teachers or watch in real time the Term classes.

Classes even remotely implies a presence control system, allowing students to raise questions in class, interact with peers, develop group work, be accompanied by the teacher and review the same at the time and understand where want.
It is a personalized process that allows for temporal and spatial flexibility, going against the interests of the student and the place where it is.

As the process unfolds?
  • Suffice have internet connection and headphone / microphone.
  • A normal computer is sufficient to render the platform.At the beginning of class the webcamera and platform are activated and the lesson is transmitted online.
  • The student (where) to enter a password on the platform, allowing the teacher to know who is present.The teacher will also have a computer with access to the platform.
  • The student may ask for an explanation and take online questions during the lesson by learning Wimba platform. 
  • The teacher will explain to the class and the student will attend the explanation by the computer.In class will be forthcoming blackboard and system for presenting powerpoints that will allow the student to follow the contents by a teacher.
  • The classes will be recorded and may be reviewed by the student at any time and as often as necessary.
  • The platform will also be discussed the notes, videos, manuals, articles, and digital books, tests, examinations, among other documents.
  • Teachers may choose to develop written exams and these can also be performed remotely. May contain multiple choice questions, true / false, matching correct or other system will time out, the answers have associated values.
  • The system of effective classroom students will only be required during the internship, if this option.
  • The evaluation will take place in UNISUL or IPT virtually.


Ano Letivo: 2020/21
Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
201420 Arqueologia 12
201421 Arqueologia 12 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201444 Seminário de Investigação, Gestão e de Educação Patrimonial 4
201443 Sistemas de Informação Geográfica aplicado à Gestão do Património Arqueológico 4
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
201434 Arqueologia 2 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201435 Arqueologia 2 Gonçalo Velho (1)
201445 Arqueologia 2 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201447 Arqueologia 2 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201449 Arqueologia 6 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201432 Ciências da Terra 2 Rui Gonçalves (1)
201416 Environmental Impact assessment- Terrestrial and aquatic context 2 Luis Santos (1)
201424 Métodos e Técnicas Arqueológicas em Meio Terrestre e SubaquáticoArqueologia 6 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201428 Palaeontological HeritagePaleontologia 2 Silvério Figueiredo (1)
201443 Sistemas de Informação Geográfica aplicado à Gestão do Património ArqueológicoInformática 4 Rita Anastácio (1)(2)
201426 Territorial ManagementGestão 2 Rita Anastácio (1)
201433 ZooarchaeologyArqueologia 2 Silvério Figueiredo (1)
1º Semestre
201437 Conservation and Restoration of Archaeologic HeritageConservação e Restauro 2 Leonor Loureiro (1)
20141 Introdução à ArqueologiaArqueologia 2 Gonçalo Velho (1)
201436 Introdução à Legislação e ao Património Cultural Terrestre e MarítimoDireito 2 Fernando Larcher (1)
20142 Origens do homemArqueologia 2 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201446 Paleoenvironments and GeoarcheologyCiências da Terra 2 Silvério Figueiredo (1)
201448 Pré-HistóriaArqueologia 4 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
2º Semestre
201413 Antropologia e EtnoarqueologiaAntropologia 2 Gonçalo Velho (1)
20145 Arqueologia das Antigas CivilizaçõesArqueologia 4 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201441 Cultural Heritage ManagementGestão 2 Silvério Figueiredo (1)
201417 Educação PatrimonialEducação 2 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)
201427 História Moderna e da Expansão Maritima PortuguesaHistória 2 Madalena Larcher (1)
201440 História e Território do BrasilHistória 2 Madalena Larcher (1)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
201420 Arqueologia 12 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)(2)
201421 Arqueologia 12 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)(2)
201444 Seminário de Investigação, Gestão e de Educação PatrimonialArqueologia 4 Alexandra Figueiredo (1)(2)

Entra em vigor no Ano Letivo 2021/2022

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
201456 Arqueologia 3
201466 Arqueologia 3
201467 Arqueologia 3
201455 Gestão 3
1º Semestre
201452 Educação Patrimonial, Projeto e Inovação MetodológicaEducação Patrimonial 3
201450 Introdução à Arqueologia e à Gestão do Património CulturalArqueologia 3
201424 Métodos e Técnicas Arqueológicas em Meio Terrestre e SubaquáticoArqueologia 6
201451 Paleoambientes, Paleontologia e Evolução HumanaPaleontologia, Arqueologia 3
2º Semestre
201453 Antigas CivilizaçõesArqueologia 6
201454 Novas Tecnologias em Arqueologia e Gestão do PatrimónioGestão do Património 3
201422 Pré e Proto-HistóriaArqueologia 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
201464 Arqueologia 24
201465 Arqueologia 24

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Alexandra Águeda de Figueiredo

Alexandra Águeda de Figueiredo

Gabinete: H211
t.: 967544224
ext.: 3183
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Alexandra Águeda de Figueiredo

Alexandra Águeda de Figueiredo

Gabinete: H211
t.: 967544224
ext.: 3183
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Gabinete: I 215
t.: 249 328 237
ext.: 1214 e 01302
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2020/21
UE next generation
Centro 2030
Lisboa 2020