Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 7822/2020 - 07/08/2020
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 28,0 T + 28,0 TP + 14,0 OT , Cód. 82077.
- Sérgio Paulo Leal Nunes (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
1. Understanding the concepts of economic theory applied to tourism, the operation of the tourism industry and the tourism
problem from an economic perspective.
2. Acquire capacity for analysis of tourism economy indicators and tourism issues in the national economy.
3. Develop an economic vision of tourism from the perspective of demand and supply and the functioning of the tourism
1. Introduction
1.1. What is the economy: perspectives and object
1.2. The scarcity problem and economic goods
1.3. The interdisciplinarity of the economy
1.4. Notes on economic analysis techniques
2. Demand, supply and elasticities
2.1. Graphical analysis of demand and supply
2.2. Elementary demand theory
2.3. Elementary supply theory
2.4. Elementary price theory
2.5. Elasticity: concept, graphic representation and numerical analysis
2.6. The elasticity of demand
2.7. The elasticity of supply
2.8. Cross elasticity
2.9. Elasticity and total revenue
3. Production and costs
3.1. Factors and production function
3.2. The cost structure and function
4. Market structures
4.1. Perfect competition
4.2. Monopoly
5. Economy of Tourism: Some introductory concepts
5.1. Concepts and optics
5.2. Tourism industry, economic sector and complementary activity
5.3. Scope of the tourism economy
5.4. The territorial nature of tourism
5.5. Tourism as a territorial singularity: implications for the tourism economy
6. Tourist motivations and demand
6.1. Tourist motivations
6.2. Demand Formation
7. Tourist motivations and offer
7.1. Tourist motivations
7.2. Offer Formation
7.3. Tourist products and destinations
7.4. Role of tourism production
7.5. Tourist market
8. Impacts of tourism
8.1. Economic impacts
8.2. Social and cultural impacts
8.3. Environmental impacts
Evaluation Methodology
Theoretical, practical and debate classes on current key topics, with particular focus on tourism and its multiple interdependencies.
The assessment will take the form of a conditional assessment portfolio.
The student will be able to write monographs, reports, essays, reflections, be part of applied research
projects, etc., (up to 50% of his final grade) making a research proposal and discussing its approval.
The weighting of each assessment component is decided by the student, duly guided by the lecturer.
The aim is for the student to take an active and responsible part in their assessment, within a limit considered scientifically and
pedagogically reasonable.
Assessment includes:
- The classification obtained in the mid-term test: (50-100% of the overall grade);
The presentation and discussion of practical work carried out individually: (0% -50%) of the global grade).
- Cunha, L. (2013). Economia e Política do Turismo. Lisboa: Lidel
- Frank, R. e Bernanke, B. (2003). Princípios de Economia. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill
- Matias, A. (2007). Economia do Turismo. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget
- Recursos Perfeitos, Turismo e Singularidades Territoriais: Contributos para o Desenvolvimento de uma Linha de Turismo Científico na Golegã.(2019, 0 de ---). Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, pp. 27-47.
Teaching Method
Theoretical, practical and debate classes on current key topics, with particular focus on tourism and its multiple interdependencies.
The assessment will take the form of a conditional assessment portfolio.
Software used in class